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Kmart - Catalogues, offers and best deals



Valid 13 days

Valid 09 Januar to 05 Februar

You've come to the right place to read the latest Kmart catalogue! View the latest Kmart catalogue below valid from 09 Januar until 05 Februar. Check reviews, share your opinion and read about products of the catalogues. You can also view all available catalogues from the same category to compare same products in other shops. If you are interested in getting the best deals fromKmart, please subscribe for our newsletter. Check reviews, share your opinion and read about products of the catalogues.

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The Store
Kmart is an Australian chain of discount stores owned by Wesfarmers and part of the original Coles MYER group with an office in Mulgrave, Melbourne. Kmart offers a wide range of products including merchandise such as home entertainment goods, camping and fishing goods, small appliances, toys, kitchenware, sporting goods, furniture, luggage, photographic equipment and developing, confectionery, cards & party goods, stationery, books, garden supplies, automotive equipment, cosmetics, storage & home organisation, lighting, hardware, clothing and footwear. Most Kmarts have photo centres, which allow Snapfish customers to collect online orders. Today, Kmart operates about 190 stores in Australia and 18 in New Zealand. Kmart Australia, which originated and was based in Melbourne.


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